Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

So I recently had the opportunity to travel abroad and live in another country for an entire year. This was the longest I have ever been away from the mountains. Sure I have traveled, even for extended periods but never long enough to really appreciate the magnitude of the beauty that they can impress on a person. Ever since I have returned, I have truly been awe struck by their beauty. Many times I have had to acknowledge their beauty out loud to whomever might be listening. We are so fortunate to have such an amazing landscape at our viewing disposal any day of the week. And they are mountains to be respected. I was living in Australia and they liked to think of their hills as mountains, but sadly they just don't know mountains. They know hills and since I have been home, I am reminded daily about how lucky I am to know mountains.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everybody is blogging I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Long story short, I have been in search for a job recently and with rising unemployment and such a contraction in the economy, that is no easy task. As such, I have decided to try and piece together work through consulting and contracting. One of my skills, writing, is advertised in many areas but often for those with blogging experience. Soooo, here I am, getting my blogging experience. I have often enjoyed reading blogs, particularly of the mommy variety and have even gained much solace from the camaraderie of mommy experiences. As such, at least in part, I have decided to create a blog relating my experience. Of course it won't exist solely in the mommy sphere because life does not exist soley in the mommy sphere but is a basis for starting.

As for the title, slacker mom, well that is essentially my philosophy on parenting. In my first year of motherhood, I checked a book out of the library called "Confessions of a Slacker Mom". It was from this book that I found my style of parenting summed up to a T. It basically discussed all the over the top things parents do nowadays to ensure that their children become the next Albert Einstein's, including the purchase of all the baby einstein products. While I admit that we own a few baby einstein products, it is only because somebody else bought them for us. We bought our daughter one birthday present, nesting blocks. Same for christmas...I mean literally...another story, but short of it is that she got another set of nesting blocks. I let her eat off the floor and for that matter eat dirt. I let her listen to hip hop instead of classical. I do read her books, lots of them so I am doing something right there. But mostly I let my daughter lead, I don't buy a lot of fancy toys or take her to the latest, greatest class. Instead I spend time with her, I read to her, I take her to the park and I don't worry about the rest.