Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So many random thoughts, where do I begin... times is seems I have these really great ideas for posting on my blog. I will be nursing in the middle of the night and think of something brilliant or running, or driving to work, or wherever. Never when I am ready to sit down and write. Trust me, I am a genius who really has something to say, just not when I am at my computer. This problem plagues me in other facets of my life as well. In my professional life, I am often forced to write for various projects that I am working on, but when I actually sit down to do can literally hear the echo in my head from all the empty space. I find the hours where my genius is most acute are those pre-dawn hours when you keep hitting the snooze, delaying your day just a little longer. I can't tell you how many masterpieces I have written in my snooze state only to have them disappear down the drain with my morning shower.

I guarantee you that when I leave this computer in a little bit to go for some much needed play in the snow, I will experience a moment that I absolutely must share with the world, then I will come back to the house and like my husbands wallet, it will be lost only to be found when I no longer need it. It is funny because I have really become quite addictive to the status update sort of mentality brought on by various social networking mechanisms like facebook. I now think in status updates, which are really just good titles for a blog. But when I go to actually update my status...nothing, zero zilch. There in lies some of the reason for my slacker behavior. But really, at the core, I am also just a slacker. So there you have it, my status update, today: I am feeling like a genius trapped inside a slacker body...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cliche for a reason

So everybody talks about seeing the world through the eyes of a child. Well I finally do in that I have a daughter, 19 months, and I am constantly amazed at how she sees the world. She see things where I never would. In many respects, her world is so simple; ball, bubbles, school bus, fire truck, helicopter. Never mind that all buses are school buses and any truck that is big with things on it are fire trucks, like trash and dump trucks. And the ever present ball, it is everywhere. Sometimes, when she is repeating a word over and over, and over, I must focus hard to figure out what she is saying or pinpoint what she is seeing, but usually when I do, I am surprised to find out she is right, even when she isn't. She is teaching me to stop and see the world again.

The other day we were playing at the park and we saw another little girl playing with her father. Neither spoke English so I told Riley to say Hola to the young girl. Riley did not quite get the concept of Ola so as we were playing she said "Hola stairs". I mistakenly thought she was saying hello to the stairs so I chuckled and praised her for remembering the word. As we were leaving, she said "Bye park, bye slide, bye Hola". So there you, when I drive down the street, I can't go without noticing a fire truck or a school bus and I am just a little disappointed when she is not with me to see it too.