Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Zero Coke

That is not dyslexia, you read correctly. Over the course of graduate school, I have become addicted to diet soda, my poison of preference--Coke Zero. I am about to embark on a month of cleaner eating and as a personal goal to that, I am going to give up the diet pop. I have read in many articles about how diet pop is basically the worst food on the planet causing cancer, STD's and horns to grow from your head so I known for awhile that I wanted to quit. But I needed my fix to get through graduate school. Since I am now graduated and, in theory relaxed and able to cope with life, I figure there is no time like the present.

My hope is that while I tackles this addiction, I can use water as a tool to replace the soda to both help mitigate the caffeine withdrawal but also get the benefits of drinking lots of water in the overall goal of cleaner eating. I am not giving up caffeine all together, I mean lets not get crazy but it will be an adjustment. Hopefully, the benefits of eating cleaner, nicer weather, exercise and less stress will make it almost seamless.

So it is not the most exciting goals or proclamations but it has left me wondering if I must fear the wrath of some peon who is paid to troll the internet looking for people defiling Coke's name and then eliminating that person...but that might be just a little paranoid.

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